Transcript Sentiment History with R: Beta


The link to: beta version of the transcript sentiment analysis – now historical, and hosted on the Web on RStudio’s Shiny.  The chart takes about 15 seconds to generate.

This app pulls historical transcripts for a given stock ticker (earnings calls and conference transcripts) and displays a sentiment “score” (word value / number of words) based on the “bing” lexicon from the University of Chicago – along with a red regression line to give a sense of sentiment trend over time.  The graphic above shows the sentiment history of Zions bank over the past three years.  

It also outputs the transcript links in a table below the chart, so you can go read the source for yourself.

Please pm me with any ideas.  I’ve got buttons and individual transcript links going, but the interface design side obviously needs some work.  And if you get an error, simply wait a couple of seconds and try again.  There’s a transient error (the best kind of error) which I am debugging and the code isn’t yet as full of try – catch as I would like.  Hence, this is a Beta.  Stay tuned.

Next step: marry the chart with stock action…

2 thoughts on “Transcript Sentiment History with R: Beta

  1. Well, the app broke for a couple of days as seeking alpha made a website design change, but the app has been fixed now. That’s the downside of scraping to be sure.


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